87 Esplanade, Sellicks Beach SA 5174

Three storey mixed use development comprising 2-3 ground level retail tenancies, post office, five upper storey residential apartments, car parking and landscaping

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: City of Onkaparinga, reference 2566/2019)


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  1. Bernice Marney WUTTKE commented

    When receiving information regarding this application, I was not at all impressed! Friends of Sellicks had a meeting not so long ago with the (ex) CEO, Alison Hancock and a number of employees from different departments of the Council. It was made very clear at that meeting that we did not want any high rise type buildings and I also stated that DOG BOX type buildings is not acceptable in our area. I was very fortunate to have assisted a number of aged Residents in their homes at Sellicks when working as an In Home Carer prior to retiring. Sellicks was know as a Seaside Township. Unfortunately that is no longer so.
    My comments regarding this application is that a 3 story structure IS NOT an acceptable type of structure in Sellicks.....If allowed, it will open the gate for other applications to go ahead. Other homes on the Esplanade are only 2 story and I would consider this to be acceptable but not as to how it looks in the application - being 3 story.
    I understand through conversation that they have intentions of hooking up to the waste water plant already at Sellicks. This definetly is not acceptable, nor is it acceptable if the Council assist them with money of ratepayers when over many years, many Sellicks Residents who wish to be connected have been waiting for the money to be available for their own homes.
    In previous conversation with Council, they have stated that until the sewerage is connected to Resident's homes that the footpaths and gutters will not be done in any of the areas of Sellicks.. I might also add that a number of the roads in our area are in dire need of being attended to.
    I am not alone in what has been stated here. It was spoken in depth at the last Friends of Sellicks Meeting at which to coin a phrase, it went down - "LIKE A TON OF BRICKS". It is hoped that those in Council who have attended our Meetings over time will take on board as to what they have heard prior to this and acknowledge that our submissions be taken seriously and the 3 story and the look of the application not be given the green light to go ahead.
    I await the outcome!
    Regards, Bernice Wuttke.

  2. Tracey Gartland commented

    Think it's a great improvement on the poor Run down place . Love it x

  3. Bert commented

    Completely out of character for Sellicks.
    Three stories is extreme in nature.
    While a redevelopment and upgrade is welcome I would suggest a two story limit fitting in theme with the local landscape and coastal country feel long term residents have tried to keep.
    Three stories is purely for the investor profits and disregarding immediate neighbors already existing homes and the general laid back feel of the area.
    It is important Sellicks beach retains it's coastal country and community feel.
    This three story design is not in keeping with what should be represented of our area nor setting the tone for future developments.

  4. Meg Salk commented

    After discussions with neighbours many who are not computer friendly and also very shocked to hear that a proposed three floor high rise development was to be even suggested for Sellicks Beach, I would like to submit my strong objection to a development of this kind.

    This high rise development is far from what the character is for our town even after many two floor houses have been built along the Esplanade.

    Our seaside town, once a rural township that met the beach with only few full time locals and many beach shacks has now become a home to more permanent living as many have moved here to live in a quiet town away from shops and major developments.

    A what is definitely I will describe as a concrete eyesore will not only set precedents for more development of this kind to be approved but will also help to further remove the charm for what brought and brings people to live or visit here.

    I am very concerned to be told that this development will be potentially also connecting to what is already a very stressed sewage system and for this to be allowed and then allegedly assisted to do so by council when many residents of which to be a closer street were and have been refused connection.

    Why should this development to be allowed when others rejected?

    It also seems from plans of the development that parking will be very limited and possibly inappropriate for such a sized development, this will I believe cause even more safety risks to be added to a already dangerous area where cars are coming and going from the beach area and car parking and many walking pedestrians crossing very close to a corner that cars already come round very fast, not to mention the bus which picks up and drops off and parks regularly to realign it’s schedule.

    There will be no area for what will be needed for any type industrial waste bins to service the three shops underneath and no access for such a truck to even service such bins or for any location for the five proposed residents to place bins out (a minimum of two bins each) for safe collection on bin day while cars and people are frequenting, that being at least ten extra bins in a area for the residents alone on a area that was only originally four.

    Over height of this development to be a included issue as not only it being 3 floors which is already out of character but it seems that it’s height may be already planned to be a above a height that of what the local precincts allows.
    The height of three floors will not only shadow nearby residents but also block many more than direct locals to the address from views and sunsets that have been enjoyed by some for more than 70 years.
    I hope that council seriously take into consideration that many community members are against this development and reject it according.

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