22 Park Avenue, Mosman, NSW

Development Application - Demolition ;

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Mosman Municipal Council, reference 008.2018.00000065.001 )

1 Comment

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  1. Stephen Renneberg commented

    Dear Mosman Council

    I am a near neighbour of this development. I am opposed to it for the following reasons:

    1. It is most definitely not in keeping with the character of this substantial section of the street which is a collection of beautiful old houses.

    2. Constructions of this sort can stretch on for years. This will involve significant excavations and construction which will involve trucks blocking the street. it is a narrow one way street. This means all residents south of this location will have great difficulty leaving their properties. Considering there will also be traffic disruption due to the roundabout at the top of the street, which we desperately need, this additional unnecessary disruption is unwelcome.

    3. All residents bought into this street because it is quiet and already developed. To add several years of noise pollution is an unacceptable imposition on residents. This part of the suburb is a valley and noise tends to echo within its confines, which means large scale noise pollution will affect residents on both sides of Reed Park.

    4. Any construction that digs into or otherwise destabilizes the cliff behind the properties in this area is potentially a safety hazard, to both residents above and below the cliff. Council should carefully consider the extent of its legal liability should residents be injured or property damaged by subsidences of this cliff. Has a thorough engineering study been done of the effects this construction will have on the stability of the cliff.

    5. An addendum to concerns regarding the cliff is the water flow off the cliff. During periods of rainfall, there is an extensive water flow off the cliff. Has an engineering study been undertaken to determine how this construction will affect his waterflow? As this development involves excavation, how will this excavation be drained, during and after construction? What effect will this water hazard have on neighboring properties? Have any studies been done during a period of rain or drought. If drought, then the study is invalid. No work should be undertaken until a study can be done during a period of substantial rainfall.

    6. Parking is very limited in this street. Any new construction which increases the number of dwellings will exacerbate the parking problem. Please consider the congestion this will create.


    Stephen Renneberg

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