149-151 Gilbert Street, Adelaide 5000

Demolish existing structures and construct a nine (9) level mixed use building containing 13 apartments with retail/commercial use on ground and basement parking.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.

(Source: Adelaide City Council, reference DA/0286/2017)


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  1. Adam Dixon commented

    Please do not approve this application as it will have the following negative impacts on the neighborhood residents.

    We live in one of the town houses on Park Lane and this proposed development would ruin our view of East Adelaide, and have a considerable impact on our privacy - balconies facing south would have a direct view into our living area and balcony, and this would no doubt devalue our property (and others too).

    We are also concerned about the increase in traffic on park lane which provides narrow access to a number of existing properties including our own. Currently, Park Lane can become very conjested at times and being a narrow street (one car access at any time) it's unrealistic to believe that the additional 5-40 vehicle movements won't have an impact on the existing tenants. We believe that this would also lead to additional conjestion when entering the Lane from Morphett Street which is located adjacent to a bus stop.

    An additional concern is the reduction in sunlight for ours and the other properties on our title which would be obstructed by such a tall structure.

    We will be contacting our body corporate to ensure that other property owners on our title also understand that this proposed development will reduce access to sunlight and privacy from those town houses that have windows over looking Park Lane.

    We're concerned about additional noise that will be created during the construction and the ongoing motor vehicle traffic once constructed.

    The area has no high rise structures on the western end of Gilbert street and such a structure would detract from the charm of the street and surroundings.

    It is evident that there has been a considerable amount of development within the Adelaide CBD and we have additional concerns that the market is becoming saturated leading to a decline in property value.

  2. Roopwant K Singh commented

    1. I own one of the Townhouses on Park Lane and object to the proposed highrise development as traffic into Park Lane is from a busy main road which is often congested with a bus stop close to the entrance.

    2. The proposed highrise building will infringe on the privacy of residents of our complex.

    3.The size of the proposed structure will limit the amount of sunlight and views we currently enjoy.

    4.It has the potential to devalue our properties due to congestion etc.The road of Park Lane already is in a bad state as can be seen from the impression above and is likely to get much worse with higher traffic flow.

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