5 Maida Road Epping NSW 2121

Tree Application - Removal of 1 Tree

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Parramatta City Council, reference TA/370/2017)


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  1. M McCartney commented

    I object to the removal of this tree and I believe this matter needs to be taken to the City of Parramatta Council's Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel for review. Can everyone please lodge a comment to save this tree. It will be a very sad day for Epping if this tree is removed. I see this tree from my kitchen window and I have enjoyed it for more than 20 years. It is the only tree and piece of greenery I can see from this window. It is a mature gum tree and similar to the one which was removed from 19 Forest Grove late last year. I see an endless number of birds in this tree each day and it is a landmark to the area. This tree must not be lost from Epping. It has been in this location for many years and poses no risk to the public and I do not understand why the body corporate would chose to remove it after it has been there without problem for so long. The tree is very healthy.

  2. Irene for friends of Terrys Creek commented

    The tree should be retained as it is one of the very few indigenous trees left in this street & supports native wildlife. It aesthetically also is pleasing & visually buffers against the high rise building impacts of the blocks of units. The nature strip of this road could support additionional indigenous eucalypt tree plantings to soften visual impacts, ehance privacy, provide habitat, corridor & shade.

    Please consider also that the tree requested to be removed provides an important role in summer, shielding the building from the hot sun which would otherwise require additional cooling. The tree appears very healthy & it would be a shame for Epping to loose such an important tree that reflects the green & rich character of this suburb.

    Thank you

  3. Puneet commented

    I agree with M McCartney and I object to removal of this mature tree.

  4. Very concerned resident of Essex Street commented

    I agree and object to removal of this mature native tree , and any other, unless it poses a risk due to disease that cannot be treated.

    Further, there should be huge fines imposed to those who damage or remove significant trees in the name of development. It has happened in Maida Road and continues in the wider Epping area (Crandon Rd, Essex Street, Pembroke St, Cliff Rd, etc.) to the point our suburb will be a mere shadow of its former self if it is not brought to a stop.

  5. M.McCartney commented

    Amanda Chadwick has reported there is nothing which can be done under the current Hornsby Concil Development Control Plan (which applies to this tree) to save this tree. She will instigate an amendment to the HDCP but unfortunately I have been told this will not be in time to save this tree. I wish a decision on this tree could be delayed until after this is completed. However, if this can not happen I would like to ask the council to require a large proportion of the tree stump to remain to provide habitat for wild life. This will not pose any problem of branches potentially dropping from overhanging the neighbours (the primary reason for removing the tree). Please note I have sent an arborist letter to the Council stating this is a healthy tree which does not need to be removed.
    For those who care about the prolific loss of trees in Epping and the unnecessary removal of this beautiful, mature gum tree there will be a photo opportunity at 8 am Friday 30 June in front of the tree, 5 Maida Road. All are welcome. Please join us.

  6. L Ashton commented

    Resident, Blaxland Rd
    I second every comment made above by the residents concerned. Sadly, our beautiful Epping is becoming a concrete jungle instead of the beautiful tree-lined suburb I have lived in over many, many years.

  7. A. McDonald commented

    I agree with all comments above. Please don't kill this beautiful healthy tree!! Any tree, anywhere has the potential to fall, its just not necessary to chop them down just in case!!

  8. M.McCartney commented

    Local residents have offered to provide the Owners Corporation with another arborist's full report to demonstrate this is a healthy tree. This will be completed and sent to them this week. We have also provided a letter and an email from 2 other arborists, to date, demonstrating there is no reason to remove this tree as it is healthy and structually sound. Surely there is something the City of Parramatta Council can do to preserve this and other healthy trees for the Epping community. I hope something relating to saving Epping's trees is put into the new Epping DCP.

  9. Cheryl Hayward commented

    I am so very sad to see this degradation of the Epping I lived in for over 35 years. You surely all can see that these ugly blocks of units will be nothing but ghettos in the very near future. Beautiful, leafy, family-oriented Epping is no more. Full of transients with nothing invested in the areas; nothing but traffic gridlock, trains that are chock-full in peak hour, towers of ugly units with flapping washing on the tiny balconies. A full blown slum in the making. Worrying about a few trees is ridiculous. Any that are left will die from lack of sunshine anyway. Move somewhere else and let the noodle shops multiply.

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