1/554 High Street Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149

The construction of a mixed use apartment building ranging in height from four to eight storeys; use of a convenience shop, food and drink premises (cafe) and medical centre; buildings and works within the special building overlay; alteration and creation of access to a Road Zone, Category 1; reduction in the applicable car parking requirement; and waiver of the loading facilities requirement.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Monash City Council, reference TPA/46857)


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  1. Shantha Vivekanantha commented

    Monash Council is trying to grab developers money for them to do any development without consideration for the general public. This area is already congested with several restaurant and other shops that parking at any time of the day is a nightmare. Now they are allowing this development by agreeing to not only have reduced parking for a development of this size and also reduced loading facilities so that all the delivery vans will take what ever parking available. This madness must stop. We are not the Melbourne City where adequate transport is available. Here everyone must use the car to get to the spot. More car space is must for any development.

  2. Francis Goh commented

    It takes a long time to make a right turn at the cross-junction of Blackburn Rd and High St Rd. Having this project without regard to the appropriate number of loading bays within the proposed development will accentuate the congested traffic situation along High St Rd and backed up to Blackburn Rd, especially during school hours.
    Monash Council needs to act for their constituents and not just look at development fees and contributions to the Council. This project should be scaled down significantly.

  3. jo lucas commented

    I agree with those that are against this development. I am also completely against it. This area is already too congested and parking at any time of the day or evening is mostly impossible. There are practically no disabled parking zones. There is no reasons I can fathom that a council acting in good faith ought to allow this sort of development. This development should be denied and as such act to dissuade other similar kinds of inappropriate developments that do not serve the interests of existing owners and occupiers in this zone.

  4. George commented

    I agree with the comments above from the point of view that parking and traffic issues need to be considered carefully and this need to guide appropriate design .
    However, as a very local resident, and also as someone who has nothing to do with the proposal, I support the development (perhaps in a modified form) in that this is an ideal location for apartment use and low level retail/mixed use/ medical centre etc given its close proximity to the Syndal Activity Centre, to the train station, buses, schools, services etc etc.

    Comments suggesting that this is not the city etc may not be so relevant any more. In the last 50 years Waverley (Mt Waverley, Glen Waverley) has changed so much and will continue to change. By 2050 it is estimated that Melbourne's population will go towards 8 Million people (from 4+Million now). We cannot send all these people (and our children) to Pakenham and beyond, there must be in-fill development in the suburbs as well to utlise existing services. Similarly, if there are no apartments and townhouses in the suburbs, it is very likely that your kids and mine will not be able to live in Mt Waverley in 20 years time, as a house here will simply be unaffordable (isn't it already?).
    In addition, from what I have seen, Council tries hard to strike a balance between allowing developmental progress and protecting the amenity of various areas and that is their primary concern and not that of accepting fees from developers and they deserve our greater support. I submit that for the reasons above, rational and well planned change that continues to strike a balance between the potential of locations and does consider traffic, parking, neighbours, livability etc, does serve the interests of existing owners and occupiers in this area for the reasons outlined above as well as those that will come to live here one day in the future when we are all long gone.

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