7 Manchester Grove Glen Huntly VIC 3163

Proposed construction of a three storey residential building comprising 12 apartments including ancillary basement car parking and waiver of 1 of 2 visitor car parking spaces

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(Source: City of Glen Eira, reference GE/PP-30309/2017)


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  1. Jeanette Krasnowski commented

    Manchester Grove is a street that is already heavily congested with vehicles due to lack of adequate parking within properties. The lack of adequate additional owner and visitor parking on site in all the recent developments in Glen Eira is unconscionable.
    The Woolworths car park adjacent to the proposed development is for shoppers and customers, not residents and visitors unable to find parking in the street and wishing to park there, which will happen. If it is used the immediate local residents and visitors, the local shoppers will be disadvantaged.
    Manchester Grove is already a difficult street to get through with the delivery vehicles, the local residents and shoppers parking on the street. People cutting through from Glenhuntly Road to Neerim Road and visa versa. With extra cars exiting Manchester Grove onto Glenhuntly Road the added traffic will only compound the already long delays in turning left and right, then taking into consideration the traffic lights, the level crossing (that seems will not be removed) the delays will be extended.
    If developers would only provide more than enough parking for all residents and their visitors?

  2. Ray Brown commented

    http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/mf/9309.0 ABS data showing that motor vehicle ownership grew by 2.5% in Australia from 2015 to 2016 with the largest increase in Victoria

  3. Town Planner commented

    This proposed apartments (only 12) and waiver of 1 visitor car space appears acceptable given the site is within an actual Activity Centre as defined by the State Government in Plan Melbourne. Most Council’s actually completely waive visitor car parking requirements in Activity Centres given most visits occur after 7pm during the week or on the weekend which is when car parking availability is quite abundant. Furthermore, in Glen Huntly - 19.1% of dwellings do not have/own vehicle and only 50% of dwellings have/own 1 vehicle – see ABS Census stats. http://www.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2011/quickstat/SSC20533?opendocument&navpos=220

    This of course makes sense given the site is well serviced by all 3 modes of public transport which are as follows:
    • Tram Route 67 – Melbourne University to Carnegie - 80 metres south
    • Glen Huntly Railway Station – 170 metres south-east
    • Bus Route 623 – Glen Waverley to St Kilda via Mount Waverley, Chadstone and Carnegie - 210 metres north
    • Bus Route 624 – Kew to Oakleigh via Caulfield, Carnegie or Darling, and Chadstone- 210 metres north

    Furthermore, if visitors do visit they can park in the resident spaces of apartments who do not own a vehicle.

    Lastly, why would you even need a vehicle as its right on the edge of the commercial heart of Glen Huntly village shopping centre, across the road from Woolworths Supermarket and 50m to cafes, restaurants etc on Glen Huntly Road.

  4. Jeanette Krasnowski commented

    I find the response from the Town Planner unbelievably biased in support the developers. The ABS statistic they provided are from 2011, 6 years ago! The comment about why would you need a vehicle is beyond belief and rather presumptuous on their part to assume that if you live there, those residents will not own vehicles. Going by the 2011 ABS statistic at an average of 1.2 cars per dwelling, this development will add an additional minimum 14.4 cars to the allotment. And not all places of work or recreation are easily accessible via four modes of transport listed.
    If the planners and the council took the time to visit the area in question at the times that were specified in their support they would notice that weekends and after 7 pm there is very few parking spots on the street. Once again shoppers will disadvantaged with limited parking for shopping.

  5. SM commented

    Completely agree, Jeanette.
    The other thing not seemingly factored into this is that I've seen commuters hop in their car parked in Manchester Grove, having walked from the station. People who live further out are using this street to park in & catch the train to work.
    I live off Roseberry Grove but am amazed by how congested Manchester Grove is now ALL THE TIME. We now have 2 hour parking restrictions on Roseberry Grove for this very reason.
    To assume people don't have a car or cars is ridiculous, as is their workplace being on one of the 4 transport routes. ...if only life was so simple.
    Glen Eira is being over-developed & constant parking waivers are contributing to over-crowded streets re parking & diabolical traffic.
    I'm glad I've sold & am leaving. I don't like what this council is envolving into.

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