1 Pier Ave Shorncliffe QLD 4017

Commercial Character Building - Partial Demolition, Dwelling Unit, Extension, Commercial Character Building Activity

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Brisbane City Council, reference A004511177)

1 Comment

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  1. sherryl jane doran commented

    This was a total demolitian.
    It was not zoned character and could not have an overlay code because it was 281 sq metres that could not have a new build constructed.
    This was a low density residential block of land not zoned for character it had an unsalvagable not character zoned derelict dwelling that need to be demolish leaving a 281 sq metre block of land that could not be built on.
    The owner/builder with illegal applications has constructed a total new build that breaches all legislation and regulations conduct codes and zoning and applications and BCC approvals. There was no application to change the zoning. This was a total demolition cleverly disguised as character building in a not charcater zoned site

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