112-122 Shelley St, Burnett Heads, QLD, Australia

Survey Plans - Standard

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Bundaberg Regional Council, reference 333.2014.00042059.001)


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  1. Heath Greville commented

    No, this should not be approved.

    We have endangered species nesting along this area of the coast. To approve this would show the council couldn't care less about the environment.

    An environmental impact study is needed regardless of plot size, to not have one is shamless.

    1 house 1 shed...

    This is just money making at it's worst

  2. Heath Greville commented

    No, this should not be approved.

    We have endangered species nesting along this area of the coast. To approve this would show the council couldn't care less about the environment.

    An environmental impact study is needed regardless of plot size, to not have one is shamless.

    1 house 1 shed...

    This is just money making at it's worst

  3. Den wat commented

    This whole area is already approved for new houses. One more makes no difference .

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