171B Botany Road Waterloo NSW 2017

Application for the construction of a 2 part 4 storey residential flat building comprising of 51 dwellings, over a single basement level accommodating 39 car spaces and 55 bicycle spaces, including associated tree removal and landscaping works.

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(Source: City of Sydney, reference D/2016/41)


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  1. Andrew Chuter commented

    This DA may have been an appropriate development if there were significant efforts by State Government to greatly increase public and active transport and other infrastructure in the area. But alas, there are none. On the contrary, with the plans for WestConnex proceeding, namely the longest underground tollroad system in the world, both federal and state government clearly have no intention for Sydney to go down this path. The WestConnex project will encourage greater car dependency all over Sydney and will worsen the already terrible congestion on in the area, making it increasingly unfavorable for residential development. In this light, a more appropriate development might be a petrol station, a car park, auto wrecker, car sales yard, tyre junkyard, respiratory illness medical centre, accident trauma centre, tow-truck or NRMA depot, road-rage counselling centre etc. Until such time as WestConnex is cancelled this development can not be allowed to proceed. Clearly the priorities of the State Government and the WestConnex Delivery Authority are in conflict with the developer.

  2. Sally commented

    This development would integrate more into the existing community and is more in keeping with the marketed diversity agenda of Waterloo than a previous application (https://www.planningalerts.org.au/applications/547711). However the number of residents using bicycles over cars is optimistic -- where does the City of Sydney Council expect the residents to park, and how does it expect the area to resource the parkland, entertainment, recreation, etc. amenities required by this and related high density developments endorsed for the area?

  3. Geoff Mason commented

    Good to see another ugly grubby industrial complex gone in Waterloo. A boot manufacturing plant that spews out toxic emissions via an enormous extraction fan next to the pedestrian walkway on Botany Road.

    The replacement development is attractive and well thought out and offers Defence Personnel a nice place to live. Easy cycling distance to Garden Island and the new Metro station in Waterloo up the road in 8 years time (?). We welcome you to the neighbourhood.

    "The Waterloo metro station would also allow further development and expansion of the Global Economic Corridor between the Sydney CBD and Green Square" - Transport for NSW.

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