229 Tower Street Panania NSW 2213 Australia

Demolition of all existing structures and the construction of a four (4) storey mixed use retail/commercial development comprising basement carparking, ground floor retail/commercial premises and thirty eight (38) residential units at the upper levels

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Canterbury-Bankstown Council, reference DA-1326/2015)


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  1. Bhanu commented

    When this building will be demolished?

  2. Dan commented

    This needs to include sufficient parking:
    a) for the private dwellings
    b) for the new shops
    c) preferably some "council" parking, as this area of Panania lacks necessary council parking

  3. Concerned local commented

    What provisions and resources are the council and developers putting in to sustain a high number of population being introduced? The surrounding schools are full and panania cbd is congested at all times.

    There needs to be more consideration of parking, parking limits as well as council parking to cater to the growing number of people and cars this development will cause.

    Surrounding streets such as Lambeth st will need to have provisions put in to stop by pass traffic and speeding traffic using the development.

    Likewise, surrounding streets will need to have restricting street parking as current congestion causes difficulty in driving. These conditions will worsen when more are brought in.

    What impact will this development have on the surrounding location during construction? What provisions will be put in place and where will builders be parking? How will this development occur during peak hours? What traffic relief will be in place to help relieve congestion?

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