16 Dods Street, Brunswick VIC 3056

Development of a five storey building with 36 dwellings with a reduction in the car parking requirements

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(Source: Moreland City Council, reference MPS/2014/1081)


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  1. jh commented

    Not to be approved

    A 5 storey development in a suburban back street is just not acceptable

    All new developments be as close to as possible at least off street car park per apartment, street parking is already tight and this development will cause big parking and traffic problems

    36 apartment over two small blocks is a huge squeeze.

    36 apartment over two small street in a very short dead end street is just to tight for living

    Dods street is only accessible by vehicle via a council car park or the very narrow and tight Charles street

    The council already struggles to provides service to the street, for example maintaining street rubbish, gutters, weeds, poor quality footpath, over grown street frontage not allowing use of footpaths, badly maintained street trees and road cut outs for trees

  2. Djad Trenerry commented

    I object to this development on a number of grounds including the proposed height, bulk, set-back, living space, inadequate car parking and traffic hazards posed by more vehicles exiting into the narrow confines of Dods Street. The area simply cannot be overrun with poorly designed apartments that introduce additional population into an area already struggling with inadequate council amenities and already limited parking and vehicle access. Please do not proceed with this development.

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