4 Schichmann Court, Yarrambat VIC 3091

Use and development of the land for two (2) dwellings

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(Source: Nillumbik Shire Council, reference 536/2014/03P)

1 Comment

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  1. Fiona Ewings commented

    I strenuously oppose the development of this land for TWO dwellings. The Yarrambat area was and is well known for large lots (ie. 2.5acres minimum) and already these lots at 1 acre each have moved away from being in keeping with the rural residential flavour of Yarrambat. At 1 acre these lots will already be impacting negatively on the local environment in relation to water/waste runoff, destruction of habitats, and pollution. Access issues off Kurrak Road is also impacted. To allow two residences on one lot is doubling these already negative effects of development - environmental (pollution, flora, fauna, dust, water flow, air quality issues from heating methods which should NEVER be allowed to be polluting wood heating), resources (overtaxing water supply, more trenching for services, impact on sewerage), liveability (density, number of vehicles, noise, dust, views). These lots sit in the environmentally sensitive and significant river catchment area and must have the utmost done by Council to preserve the environment for all users. The expectation in Yarrambat is for 1 home under one roofline per acreage site (usually 2.5 - 5 or 10 acres) and existing residents built and live under this. This is what Yarrambat is and must remain. To allow 2 residences on already-too-chopped-up 1 acre lots reduces the value of nearby properties and also sets a possible precedent down the slippery-slide of over-development and developer greed. My NO for this proposal of 2 dwellings at Schichmann Court is emphatic and I would be horrified if Council further allowed the undermining of the area with such over-development not suited to the area.
    reference 536/2014/03P

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