23 Schmidt Road Eagleby QLD 4207

1 into 33 lots

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Logan City Council, reference RL-86/2014)

1 Comment

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  1. Phillip Cleveland commented

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    How many more units is the council going to allow in the Eagleby area? I purchased my property in Eagleby in 2009 and due to the amount of new properties developed in the area, I have lost, currently, $70-80K on my purchase price - according to a bank valuation performed in Jul 14.

    Development needs to slow to allow current developments to be completed and tenanted before starting any more. Why would someone want a 15 year of unit at my purchase price of $253K when they can buy a brand new one at $278K or worse still have them tenanted under the (old title) Housing Commission.

    A development was completed in Eagleby Road and on the plan they were to be sold at $339K but by the time they were built they were being sold at $278K. What chance does the ordinary citizen who bought their property to stay in, or even worse those who bought for an investment, expected to get their dollar back. It won't get any better whilst council is approving more and more developments.


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