70 Cronulla St Cronulla 2230

Alterations & Additions to an Existing Heritage Commercial Building to Create Mixed Use Development with 12 Commercial Tenancies & 4 Residential Apartments

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Sutherland Shire Council, reference DA13/1198)


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  1. penelope meads commented

    To whom it may concern, I have lived up above the old Commonwealth Bank Building for nearly 18 years, as a rental tenant, And I must say I have loved living in this old building. Everything changes, and I am under no misconception that sooner or later I will have to leave here. My question is how far will the title "heritage building" matter, when alterations begin. I have seen and read the proposed plans for this building, and to be truthful, I was quite shocked at how modern the building looked in the artists impression. People who know I live here and care about this building are forever asking what is happening to it. I tell them I don't really know, what council can do for this building. But that they should join the email list as I have. Is it possible to ask council, will this building be looked after? I see with my own eyes daily, how its not looked after as a heritage building should be, which is why I am voicing my concern. My interest is purely out of love for this building and certainly not to make trouble for anyone. Thanking you.

  2. nick deguingand commented

    I think it is a shame that Cronulla has not made any effort to keep a lot of its 1920s period architecture. In other areas, this would be respected, and would become an attraction for the area. There was a lot of building around then, and Cronulla could have been seen as an Art Deco area. We could at least be looking to preserve what we have left.

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