127-131 Bowden St Meadowbank NSW 2114

Modification to LDA2023/0137, seeking to increase the size and add illumination to a business identification sign along Bowden Street frontage.

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(Source: City of Ryde, reference MOD2024/0081)

1 Comment

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  1. Jacob Johnston commented

    My concern with this application is the illumination of the sign. If it is dim, does not light up the immediate area, and simply allows a potential customer to see a sign in the dark - there's no real issue. However, the submission assessment notes that no, the illumination would not detract from the amenity of any residence citing existing street lights. The street lights point downwards to illuminate the road and footpath whereas the sign will point horizontally which would illuminate the adjacent buildings and landscape affecting not only the residents in direct line of sight, but also other residents that may have the exterior of adjacent buildings and trees reflecting the light. There is no proposed curfew, which may impact people trying to sleep if a sign is lighting up their bedroom at night. Although there is existing lighting in the area, adding more lighting will still increase the ambient brightness and light pollution of the area which could impact residents living nearby.

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