26 Varna Street, Waverley NSW 2024

Remove one (1) Avocado Tree adjacent to the left property boundary and replace with one (1) local native tree from Council’s Preferred Tree list, of minimum 45L pot size, growing to a mature height greater than 5metres, anywhere on the property within one (1) month of removal. The tree is positioned in an unsuitable location; its branches are encroaching onto the roof of the neighbouring property, there is also decay in the upper canopy’s branches.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Waverley Council, reference TPO-85/2024)

1 Comment

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  1. Jeremy Bird commented

    It's time Council put its money where its mouth is.
    This looks so good on paper ..... https://cityhub.com.au/local-council-in-sydney-will-be-covered-in-tree-canopy-and-vegetation-cover/
    .... but when I see the number of established trees removed for the same old reasons, reasons that Council in its approval sign-off has just copied-and-pasted from all the rest, it makes what was a very good idea, with good intentions, look a lot more like lip service to me.
    In Paula Masselos, I think we have a very good mayor, a great mayor, certainly the best I've seen in my 35 years living in Waverley.
    So, Paula, after the release of W. C.'s Greening and Cooling Strategy referred to in the link above, from the casual observer's pov, nothing has changed. It seems that the same number of established (read: a 50 to 100 year investment, not to be recovered in well over a generation or two) trees are being destroyed on Council’s watch.
    On the rare occasion a replacement tree is actually planted as required by Council, it's left to die unwatered while Council sleeps, uninterested.
    The only thing that's changed is that the excuses for killing healthy established trees have become more imaginative and impressive and designed for people to think ... "Well, there was a good reason for that, so that's OK."
    It's not OK.
    When I read between the lines in these tree removal applications and approvals, I see far too high a percentage of the same old realities ... 'To gain a development advantage' or 'Because the owner decided the tree wasn't in keeping with their latest fashion needs'. It seems that whoever is signing (many of) these things off just wants an easy life and to stop with the fussing and time-wasting so they can get out to lunch.
    Paula, please wave Council's own Greening and Cooling Strategy in front of it again, and I'd suggest the need for the setting-up of a vigilance/oversight team, **with powers**, to make Council actually do what it said it will do instead of making the right noises and then continuing on business-as-usual destroying our heritage, never to be replaced.

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