22 Park Avenue Waitara NSW 2077


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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Hornsby Shire Council, reference DAM/409/2024)


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  1. Carolyn Cannings commented

    I believe there are already enough medium to high density buildings in Hornsby and Waitara. More units will bring more cars. Our local streets, such as Edgeworth David Avenue and Alexandria Parade, were never designed to cope with all this extra traffic. These additional units have the possibility of adding another 336 cars to Park Avenue!

    Should these units be approved, please ensure that EACH unit has TWO designated off-street parking spaces. Also allow for sufficient off-street parking for visitors, in addition to the residents' parking spaces. Street parking in this area has already exceeded capacity. People attending the PCYC and/or using the public park are unable to find casual parking spaces. People who choose to travel by train cannot park near the station.

  2. Peter Dickson commented

    As a nearby resident, I'm delighted that the site owner has decided to proceed with construction. This large site has been an eyesore for too long.
    I urge council to require that gas is not installed and that sustainability features are added such as solar panels, power to each parking spot (10 amp is sufficient) wired to the specific unit, on site storm water retention for common property watering.

    Importantly, I'd trade increased height to allow for the funding of units reserved for social housing.

    Finally, there is no reason to allow two parking spaces for each unit. This development is within easy walking distance to two train stations and extensive shopping facilities. Residents are better off having access to a car sharing scheme and improved bus routing as well as cycle paths.

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