55 Sailors Bay Road Northbridge NSW 2063.

Application to remove 12 trees and pruning of 1 tree.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Willoughby City Council, reference TVPA-2024/97)


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  1. Marilyn commented

    Very hard to see how approval could be given to remove 12 trees. My observation this is an education facility. Why are they being removed. Once again there is no access to forms in the application or reasons given.
    Is it possible to retain some of the trees considering it is a Landscape Officer submitting the application.

  2. Kristiy commented

    I object to the removal of these 12 trees. They form part of the canopy cover needed in willoughby to provide food for wildlife, shade and much needed trees on a very busy street. They are also in close proximity to flat rock gully. We need to maintain trees on private property to support wildlife.

  3. Anna Greco commented

    Please provide detail on the 12 trees proposed to being removed and the reasons why?

  4. Sarah commented

    Please provide detail as to why these trees are proposed to be removed. This space has beautiful mature trees which everyone loves. It is also an amazing space for bird life and an animal corridor.

    Until more information is forthcoming I object to the removal of these trees.

  5. Eva commented

    The proposal to remove 12 trees from this area is very concerning. Canopy in Willoughby LGA continues to decrease through legal and illegal removals - most recently by a further 4.8% in just a few years (2019-2022 ArborCarbon study). This increases urban heat and reduces protective habitat for our wildlife struggling to survive in a hostile urban environment. In particular this area forms part of a connected green space, creating a pathway for wildlife linking Sailors Bay Creek to Flat Rock Gully. We must be preserving and planting, not removing.

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