89 Karloo Street Forster NSW 2428


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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Mid-Coast Council, reference DA2024/0257)

1 Comment

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  1. Roberta commented

    The rear of my property adjoins the side boundary of Applicant's property and a large proportion of my shared boundary will be impacted by this large greenhouse if it goes ahead, given the scope of the earthworks already undertaken without council approval.
    (RM-PB2023/03431.) At that time, the ground level was raised by 1m+, which renders my 2m fence virtually obsolete.
    The intended site for the Greenhouse is directly opposite my bedroom window. If the earthworks remain at the current height - a new slab will make it higher still and people walking in and around the greenhouse will look directly into my back yard and my bedroom. I consider this to be a gross invasion of privacy.
    The applicants have another large greenhouse nearing completion, built below our shared boundary. Does this have council approval? I have not been advised of any works.
    IF the DA is approved, I am requesting that the earthworks be returned to the original level (indicated by a removal order by the Ranger in correspondence late last year.)
    If approved, it would make sense that the 'new greenhouse' use the existing concrete slab of the previous greenhouse to be used for the 'new' greenhouse foundations, keeping it the same size as the previous structure. (It was already on the site and used extensively by the owners prior to being demolished.)

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