1-9 High Street Berwick VIC 3806

Amendment to Planning Permit PA21-1064 (Alterations to the existing Hotel including the Beer Garden, Removal of Access from High Street, Extension to Liquor Licence Area, Development and Display of Illuminated Business Identification Signage and Removal of Two Elm Trees on High Street on Land Affected by an Environmental Significance and Heritage Overlays)

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Casey City Council, reference PPA24-0041)


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  1. Julie commented

    Why do the Elm trees need to be removed? The Elm trees in Berwick need to be preserved and protected at all costs. I suspect most locals would understand the need for The Berwick Inn to renovate and improve the space but why wasn’t this planned appropriately to protect the area’s aesthetic appeal? Berwick’s streetscape, including its Elm trees, are central to the village atmosphere and the overall appeal of the township.

  2. David T commented

    bit late now its already done.. typical.

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