25 George Street, North Strathfield NSW 2137

Application under State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) for three additional storeys to Building A (street facing) and an additional storey to both Building B and C with 41 units (24 units allocated to affordable housing) and amendments to internal basement layout to provide 50 additional car spaces. The additional units under this application will sit atop the building approved under DA2020/0143

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: City of Canada Bay, reference DA2024/0064)


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  1. Kate Campbell commented

    The concern I raise in increasing the number of units, thus number of occupants is an increase in the road traffic. There is already considerable congestion and delays at the Pomeroy St x George St North Strathfield intersections, particularly at peak drop off and pick up time to McDonald College and OLA schools at the same corner, and with traffic entering leaving George St for the Victoria Ave public school. As council is well aware George St north of Pomeroy St is a one road in, one road out peninsula. There are no alternative routes out of the peninsula area. Traffic studies that have been conducted are out of date, or concerningly were conducted during school holiday period, providing a false narrative of the actual traffic issues. It is compounded when there is an event at SOP, as the Underwood Rd roundabout cannot cope with the congestion which leads to congestion further down at Pomeroy St and back up to George St and Concord Rd.

  2. Patricia Dearnley commented

    Residents should also be aware that the Developer of units in Rothwell Ave have applied for a 20% height variation. Not sure of the number of additional units this is, but as Kate Campbell has noted, the traffic is already at capacity at peak times and weekends.

  3. Rob Song commented

    I raise concern over this amendment proposal which is to add 1-3 additional storeys across all three buildings. As Council should be aware and can see onsite, the basement has already been completed, with works already started on the above ground storeys with scaffolding in place. Presumably these works were underway based on the previously approved scheme, which had less apartments and storeys.

    The increase in housing density as a need is understandable, but trying to activate extra units when the project is already well underway, raises strong concerns as to whether what is already built can support the weight of the new storeys, and whether it can be confidently signed off as structurally sound and safe.

    Particularly in light of the press articles about Opal Towers, Mascot Towers and with Council taking on the affordable housing units post completion, the onus will be on Council to ensure whether the addition of more units can be safely done if they approve this amendment, so that residents can be safely assured and our council rates are not spent on fixing defects.

    As to traffic concerns raised by other submissions already, this is echoed. I point out that the Traffic Impact Statement refers to the “most recent traffic surveys” completed in 2015, with site visits in October 2019. Thus the data is likely to be outdated, given there is significantly more traffic volume around George/Pomeroy and Underwood Road. The intersection works from the Victoria Avenue Public School DA are also cited as “are yet to be completed”, and with the addition of more density around the area, this will further exacerbate traffic issues given there have been no infrastructure upgrade works completed.

  4. Paul Sewell commented

    This development is too high at present. To add 3 more floors and not increase parking is going to add more street parking on an already congested street. George street is already congested with traffic. There is no other way to get into or out of Concord West to the west of the railway. Please do not allow this to go ahead.

  5. Liangliang Zhang commented

    I reside in a unit at 23 George St, situated adjacent to the newly developed building currently under construction. Our daily view includes observing the ongoing construction work through our windows. The recent proposal to add 1-3 additional storeys to all three buildings has come as quite a shock. Despite the completion of the basements some time ago, it's perplexing how the development plan could be altered after the foundation work has been completed.

    Initially, our primary concern with the original plan revolved around potential sunlight deprivation. We conducted multiple overshadow simulations, and while the results barely met the minimal requirement, the addition of three extra storeys would cast us in shadow 24/7, 365 days a year. This prospect is deeply troubling to us, and we urge against its implementation.

    Furthermore, the issue of traffic congestion is a significant concern. George Street serves as the sole ingress and egress route, with no alternative exits available. The street is already heavily congested during peak hours and weekends, exacerbated by ongoing construction projects in the vicinity.

  6. Diane Cheung commented

    I raise concerns at the late change to the development proposal adding a considerable number of new units to an already high-density development. I question the structural integrity of the building adding so many more units when the foundation has already been built and laid for a lower number of units.
    The current Pomeroy/George St intersection is currently the only roadway into and out of this section of North Strathfield/Concord West, west of the train line. The stretch north of this intersection is already crowded with existing blocks of apartments. This already suffers from heavy congestion during peak hours and it is not uncommon to have cars backed up George St all the way to number 25. With the addition of 186 new units, plus the new development taking place on Rothwell Avenue, the street traffic and parking will become disastrous and all residents, visitors and business owners in this area will be negatively affected.
    The proximity to the boundary line and height of proposed new floors will completely overshadow the shared facilities and gardens of neighbouring block 23A, with a blocked outlook, common grounds in shadow, and effectively an echo wall affecting quality of life for residents.

  7. John Zhao commented

    I'm here to raise my objection to this proposal, the expansion will leads to a complex with scale and density significantly exceeding that of surrounding properties, the
    drastically increased population which will inevitably have adverse effects on the entire surrounding neighborhood.
    The intersection of George St and Pomeroy St will likely face deadlock due to drastically increased traffic with no foreseeable plan to upgrade the infrastructure. George St will be overcrowded with cars parked on the street with insufficient
    parking space from this Project. other concerns including loss of Privacy, Overshadow and Visual Impact to the surrounding buildings / Increased Noise and Pollution / Disruption to Community Harmony and Streetscape / Plus concerns about Building Defects since the developer wants to stack the additional levels on top of the foundation that has been built already.

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