29 Kuroki Street, Penshurst NSW 2222

Alterations and additions to the existing residential dwelling including a ground floor rear extension and construction of a first floor.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Georges River Council, reference CC2024/0049)


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  1. Concerned Resident commented

    On accordance with the Heritage Conservation Controls this a d any other proposed development with the McCreas Estate MUST be submitted to the GRC Heritage Officer for approval and the GRC must be the Certifier. In other words No Private Certifiers can be used in the Estate as a means of trying to skirt around the controls and destroy the Heritage Value of the Estate. Council Officers must intervene in this and all other developments of this type to maintain the Heritage value of the area as well as the amenity for other residents. We do not want the Estate to be turned into a series of oversized boxes imposing themselves and overlooking on everyones eslse properties like South Hurstville.

  2. Long Term Resident commented

    The main purpose of conserving the character and street sxaoe ofvthe McRaes Estate is to conserve the history of the development in the area. These are also special places in their own right, with pleasant and distinctive streetscapes, landscapes and building characters that create a sense of place that is worth retaining. In recent years some people wish (for their own reasons,) to over develop their property's and I so doing change the character of this area. This is why Heritage Conservation Controls were first put in place to prevent the loss of the character of this area. Maintenance of the general scale of residences in the Conservation Area is a critical element in preserving the character of the locality. Where single-storey buildings predominate in a streetscape any additions should
    maintain that essential character when viewed from the street or surrounding townscape. For these reasons when additional floor space is required it should be contained within the existing roof space, with possible dormers and/or skylight additions as part of an attic style addition, but only where such elements do not dominate the roof qualities. Dormers and/or skylights should preferably be located on the rear roof plane as a general rule. This is why GRC and theocal community have building controls in the area. In short NO oversized boxes and NO Private Certifiers in order to get around the rules. But we suspect that the applicant already knows this..

  3. Residents commented

    We agree with the previous comments if the owners of this property don't want to live in a light filled private single storey Californian bungalow then they should either fully comply with all of Council's Heritage requirements or alternatively they could consider moving to Connells Point or South Hurstville where oversized two storey boxes are now the norm. All stacked next to each other and competiting with each other for dominance. Each over looking and shadowing the other with no privacy or outdoor amenity in a totally non cohesive street scape. We don't want this type of overdevelopment in this area !!

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