Gisborne Motel, 106 Sheedy Road Gisborne VIC 3437

Subdivision of the land into twelve (12) lots

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Macedon Ranges Shire Council, reference PLN/2024/99)


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  1. Megan Everett commented

    It should be noted there are 5 or 6 large and beautiful old elm and oak trees along the Sheedy Rd frontage of this development on the wide nature strip.
    If 6 crossovers will be required for access to 6 lots along there I very much hope these trees will be protected from removal and/or damage during that process

  2. AP commented

    Likewise we are hoping that the old growth trees at this location are protected 🌿.
    Too often in our region we are seeing careless development by environmentally ignorant developers bypassing weak Council laws & being supported by VCAT in the process! If other Council jurisdictions in VIC can work with their environments, safeguard their green spaces, protect significant trees & minimise ecosystem damage then why are we allowing damage & community upset to continue? The well being of all living creatures is dependent on a healthy environment. Congested urban settings are not healthy places. 🫤

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