7 Concord Avenue, Concord West NSW 2138

Integrated development including proposed demolition of existing buildings, construction of 68 industrial units, tree removal, installation of infrastructure and landscaping

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: City of Canada Bay, reference DA2024/0059)


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  1. Kate C commented

    The concern I raise in demolishing housing and replacing it with industrial (68) units is multifaceted. Firstly to demolish the current townhouses is in contrast to the current NSW State Planning policy of housing in and around transport hubs such as Concord West Train station.

    Further a 68-unit industrial site would increase the road traffic, particularly at peak times. There is already considerable congestion and delays at the Pomeroy St x George St North Strathfield intersections, particularly at peak drop off and pick up time to McDonald College and OLA schools at the same corner, and with traffic entering leaving George St for the Victoria Ave public school. As council is well aware George St north of Pomeroy St is a one road in, one road out peninsula. There are no alternative routes out of the peninsula area. Traffic studies that have been conducted are out of date, or concerningly were conducted during school holiday period, providing a false narrative of the actual traffic issues. It is compounded when there is an event at SOP, as the Underwood Rd roundabout cannot cope with the congestion which leads to congestion further down at Pomeroy St and back up to George St and Concord Rd.

    Finally, an industrial precinct of that size would interfere with the suburban landscape of that area of Concord West with likely increases in noise and pollution.

  2. Kate C commented

    Correction - this site is not currently residential. The concerns in relation to the traffic and the interference to the local area are all that I ask council to consider. Thank you

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