27 Westbrook Street Woody Point QLD 4019

Building Work - Development Permit for Dwelling House Extension - assessed against the Planning Scheme

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Moreton Bay Regional Council, reference DA/2024/1252)


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  1. Les commented

    Please leave all trees on the block to help maintain local ecosystems for birds, bees and other insects. Too much of our neighbourhood trees are being destroyed, reducing the ecosystem for native animal survival. A very large tree was recently destroyed in Westbrook St, Woody Point - this tree was a haven for numerous bird species - now gone forever, destroying a home for these sentient beings. Thank you

  2. Les commented

    Please leave all trees on the block to help maintain local ecosystems for birds, bees and other insects. Too much of our neighbourhood trees are being destroyed, reducing the ecosystem for native animal survival. A very large tree was recently destroyed in Westbrook St, Woody Point - this tree was a haven for numerous bird species - now gone forever, destroying a home for these sentient beings. Thank you

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