37 Wyvern Avenue Chatswood NSW 2067.

Application to tremove one (1) tree

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Willoughby City Council, reference TVPA-2024/78)


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  1. Mary Ann Irvin commented

    Blue gums are very important to our area. If there is any other way to treat these ants please do so to protect this tree

  2. Jo Chen commented

    This neighborhood especially this street has been suffered great loss of tree coverage since 2021, with newly built houses chopped down the entire trees on their property. If you don’t like leafy suburbs, why do you move in at the beginning.

  3. Faith Hynoski commented

    As much as I am always the one advocating for our gums, especially the Sydney Blue Gum since they are losing ground across the Northshore (and I love them). I cannot help feeling like this tree might be doomed. If it is in fact harboring termites then I don't think there is any hope for it. In this case, I can understand the home owner's perspective. I also appreciate that they have provided an actual diagram and more information than we often see come through. The only thing I would like to see are supporting documents by an arborist.

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