19 Allan Street Goodna 4300 QLD

Reconfiguring a Lot - one (1) lot into seven (7) Lots plus common property

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Ipswich City Council, reference 2999/2024/RAL)


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  1. David Richard Harris commented

    No Sub divisions

  2. Nathan Nostaw commented

    I am happy that this large block is being divided into generous residential blocks and not into high density units or town houses. It will be great to see this empty block being developed in a positive way. I look forward to seeing what house and landscape designs will be proposed.
    We welcome our new neighbours.
    In regard to the proposed community hall, I notice the Qibla/Qiblah alignment (direction of prayer to Mecca) of the building and wonder if this hall is intended to be used as a Mosque or place of worship.
    I have no concerns in the construction of a place of worship, apart from the potential to add a high & regular daily flow of traffic to Allen and Parker Street, which may directly impact Alice Street traffic flow.
    The Alice and Bertha intersection is a very busy intersection already (with long lines of traffic in all directions at peak hours) and the addition of traffic from a place of worship may cause significant impact to the traffic flow as the vehicles enter and exit Alice Street.
    I notice that the traffic assessment makes no mention of the 'community hall' nor any expected occupancy or visitor vehicle numbers apart from two/2 car parks per residence.
    Is there enough car parking for the hall's planned usage to ensure Allen and Parker Street do not become busy carparks?
    I think the proposed six/6 general parking spaces to be significantly inadequate for any community hall, regardless of its intended use.
    If this 'community hall' is to be a place of worship/prayer it may be prudent to address the Allen and Parker Street intersections onto Alice Street before it causes significant traffic congestion. Eg. Traffic lights and road widening to allow traffic to pass cars queuing east bound on Alice Street to enter Parker or Allen Street.

  3. NATHAN C NOSTAW commented

    Just a little more info regarding the orientation and design of the 'community hall'.
    This hall does appear to be designed with the potential of being an Islamic place of worship based on the Qibla/Qiblah orientation and the building including a Mihrab/niche.
    "In a mosque the qiblah is indicated by the mihrab, a niche in the building’s interior wall facing Mecca." https://www.britannica.com/topic/qiblah 24/03/2024
    Please consider the potential traffic this may add to this part of Goodna.
    Regards, Nathan

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