10 Fitzroy Road Cromer NSW 2099

Demolition works and construction of a new dwelling house including a swimming pool.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Northern Beaches Council, reference DA2024/0263)

1 Comment

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  1. Alan Bain commented

    I'm concerned about traffic and being able to get out of my drive way for a number of months to a year.

    I'm also concerned that the applicant who seems to be building a four storey house may be splitting the houses into apartments adding to the already scarce parking resources.

    Additionally, the plans look vague and difficult to understand. Drilling into bedrock may cause flood issues is also a concern. I'm wary that my view of the lake will be impacted if the structure is built hight than stated.
    Plans need to be clearer...

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