Merrenburn Avenue Naremburn NSW 2065

Removal request for three trees

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Willoughby City Council, reference TVPA-2024/66)


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  1. Amanda Smith commented

    I oppose the removal of these trees on the grounds that there has been considerable tree loss in the area already due the freeway upgrade . Trees provide shelter and homes for local wildlife. The street scape will altered by the removal . It is widely recognised that trees play important part in lowering temperature this is particularly important given climate change and its impact on the environment.

  2. Emma L commented

    Have TfNSW not taken enough of our trees already? They promise to replace them 2 for 1, but don't commit to where these 2 new trees will be planted - it could be 100s of kms away. Maybe if they want to take any more trees they have to clearly commit to where each of these new trees to replace the 3 in this request and 100s on prior works are to be planted before any more are taken from our area

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