9 Power Avenue Alexandria NSW 2015

Alterations and additions to, and adaptive reuse of, an existing three storey commercial building to construct a four storey mixed use building comprising 11 x 1 bedroom units and 3 x 2 bedroom units, three car parking spaces and a ground floor unlicensed cafe with operating hours 7.00am to 7.00pm Monday to Friday and 7.00am to 5.00pm Saturday and Sunday.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: City of Sydney, reference D/2013/383)


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  1. Simon Milner commented

    Only three parking spaces in a new development of 14 apartments? Owing to the new developments already underway or recently completed with minimal to no parking (Cargo Lane on Brennan Street, Axis Apartments on Brennan Street and the row of new 3 and 4 bedroom terraces on Power Avenue (between Wyndham and Brennan Street) this block has rapidly degenerated into a bun-fight of residents contesting each other for limited on-street parking.

  2. Scott Blasdall commented

    What is the idea of providing no car spaces in your place of residence any more? I do not understand the point!
    The designers of these fabulous inner city apartments and I am sure the councilors of city and Sydney all have a car and am also sure they have a car space or even an off the street house for their car/s.
    Please explain the issue upfront before Wyndham Street becomes a bottle neck every single morning as we try and get to work every single day as you design these little tiny one bedroom apartments in these little tiny areas with no car spaces for them.

  3. Susan commented

    I agree. The lack of parking in this area will become critical very soon. I cannot believe that there are only 3 spaces for 14 apartments. The minimum should be one space for each apartment. Not everybody rides bicycles although we know that Clover would prefer they do. It's just not going to happen.

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