52 Myer Street Lakes Entrance, VIC

Five lot subdivision

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: East Gippsland Shire Council, reference 472/2022/P)

1 Comment

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  1. Hannah Leonti commented

    It would be a loss to the town should this get approved.
    The Shire should consider the loss of the cinema and sport that has already occurred through temporary closure. The subdivision however would ensure it's permanent closure.
    Perhaps the shire could look at the benefits of purchasing the building and land and creating a shire owned all abilities community cinema and sports complex as was suggested by the previous owner?
    For the good of the town, it does not require more air bnb's or units for only 1 person to benefit from. But instead, it requires more facilities for the entire community to utilise. The location alone should come with a sense of responsibility and duty of care to provide a needed service and /or facility to the community.
    Please don't let this happen, there is too much potential for ongoing growth of much needed facilities for the community 🙏

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