8 - 20 Sarsfield Circuit, Bexley North NSW 2207

Demolition of existing building at rear and construction of 7 storey mixed use building comprising 6 retail and 24 residential units and basement parking and construction of 2 additional level to existing residential flat building at the front comprising 4 additional units

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Bayside Council (Rockdale), reference DA-2013/103)


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  1. Liang Dong commented

    Hi there,

    Regarding this development application, I would like to express my following concerns:

    1. It appears that the map provided under this application points to a relatively new apartment building. If so, this is development application will be value-detroying instead of value adding to the surrounding community.

    2. The increased population density will increase utilisation of Bexley Road in the nearby area, which has already been heavily and frequently used by road vehicles including passenger vehicle, trucks and motorbike. The current level of road use plus the inconsistency of road surface (i.e. mix of bitumen and gravel/concrete road surface at difference lanes) already cause significant road noise, which makes the living in the nearby area unpleasant and stressful.

    Many residents including myself in the newly built Sarsfield Circuit apartment already have serious concern over the current road noise level from the street. The proposed development will further exacerbate the situation.

    3. There has already been considerable amount of apartment being errected on the Sarsfield Circuit. Having additional apartment development will place significant strain on the existing lack of street parking in the surrounding area. This subsequently force residents and visitors to use or increase the usage the nearby car park for purposes other than shopping.

    4. This development is likely to render the unavailability of the businesses such as Woolworth in the neighbourhood, which serves many households not only the nearby area but also the wider Bexley North community. This will significantly reduce the convenience.

    On these basis, this development application should not be approved based on the current status quo.

    Yours sincerely

  2. A Dong commented

    Dear Officer,

    As a resident of the nearby unit I have serious concerns regarding this new development.
    1. The current structure of the building appears to be well maintained. To destroy it, it is just a waste of resource, and unnecessary damage to our environment. I question the true value in the restructuring
    2. With the already newly built units on this street, I’m questioning the real benefits to the current/new residents such as myself? As far as I’m aware there are no plans in upgrading the shopping facilities or increasing the frequency of the trains stopping at Bexley North station. Both of which are major accountabilities to take into considerations when more units are to be built within the area.
    3. This development will also increase the traffic follow not only on the already congested Bexley road, as well as Sarsfield Circuit, which is a small and narrow strip of road that is not equipped to take additional traffic flow in particularly during peak hour. This can also lead to safety concerns.
    As a result I strongly believe that the council should look at upgrading the commercial faculties within the area first, before accepting development applications for more units to be built in an already congested area within Bexley North.

    Kind Regards

    Resident of Bexley North

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