Lot 3 Memford Way Flagstaff Hill SA 5159

Retirement Village comprising 4 residential flat buildings (2 x 5 storey, 1 x 6 storey and 1 x 3 storey) containing 107 apartments and undercroft parking, with one building containing a clubhouse and leisure facilities, in addition to a new access, c…

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: South Australia Planning Portal, reference 21023163)


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  1. Susanne Laurina Clift commented

    This notes the removal of10 regulated and significant trees.
    Whilst I consider the height of the proposed buildings, 2x5 storey and 1x6 storey to be totally out of place in this suburban park area, I strongly oppose the removal of 10 trees to facilitate the building of this type of development.
    It is a lovely leafy suburb, that's the attraction of it. To remove so many aged trees will change the character of the area completely, let alone destroying the habitat for all our wildlife.
    We must consider the effect climate change will have when we strip our community of such naturally cooling systems.

  2. Nynke van der Burg commented

    Greener suburbs have lower temperatures, better air and water quality and increased biodiversity. We desperately need to increase biodiversity, not decrease. And Climate Change is a huge and urgent problem and keeping existing trees so incredibly important seen this enormous threat and cannot be ignored.
    Some more information on the recent IPCC report:

    If 10 regulated and significant trees will have to be removed it probably means many other trees and native vegetation would have to go. This should not happen in our day and age. We know better!
    Also there is a reason the trees are regulated and significant. Mature trees like that cannot be replaced. They are so important for our wildlife and our own physical and mental health and wellbeing. Part of this is to keep us cool in times of our warming and drying climate.
    See also the report about Adelaide's urban trees by the SA Conservation Council. It is a huge problem:

    I am very much opposed to this development for the reasons above. And I also agree with Susanne about the fact it is out of character for our beautiful neighbourhood in the first place to have buildings several storeys high.

  3. Greg O'Grady commented

    Unacceptable and lazy development with such a plan to clear significant and mature trees.

    People in retirement villages like trees too.

  4. Don Davidson commented

    I agree it is unacceptable cutting down significant plus other large trees.
    It is surprising to me tgst this application has just gone in as I thought this development must have been approved already. The plans have been around for over a year and some of the development has already started!
    They should be able to plan this around tge trees. There is plenty of clear land, it’s a golf course.

  5. Kim Garner commented

    I oppose to the removal of these significant trees. They hold great value for our envrionment, suburb and they are home to may species of birds, bugs and other flora and fauna. Please plan wisely and realise their value.

  6. Ann Mather commented

    I agree with all the above comments. Those of us who live on ridgway drive and will be greatly impacted by the buildings have put in submissions to the council. These were rejected and approval has been granted to the developers. Very disappointing indeed!

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