220 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon, ACT

LEASE VARIATION - Variation of the Crown lease to remove the commercial uses and add supportive housing

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(Source: ACT Planning & Land Authority, reference 202037695)


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  1. M Hamilton commented

    It is good to see more supportive housing potentially being made available in a convenient location but I hope it doesn’t turn into a concentration of people with social and drug problems like the large concentrations of public housing that formerly lined Northbourne Ave prior to being demolished. It would be helpful if separate to the DA the ACT Government provided more information about ‘supportive housing’. Is it like community housing or is it standard public housing? The amount of theft in the inner north from houses has reduced since the demolition of the highly concentrated public housing flats. There are almost permanent beggars at Dickson shops and other smaller inner north shopping centres, so I hope that with this important initiative to provide essential housing to people in need that a concomitant set of support services will be provided as concentrating people in large public housing developments can create problems, including safety of residents of such developments.

  2. Ian Hubbard commented

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

    In the attached documentation there is no detail on what type of supportive housing is being proposed. Is there any detail of the number of residential units allocated for supportive housing and what type of support will be offered? Do you know which registered group will manage the provision of support? Is expected that the tenants will pay market rent or a different rent such as social housing rent? What is the proposed size of the supported housing units?

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