20 Moorhouse Street, Camberwell VIC 3124

Buildings and works associated with the construction of a new dwelling in a Heritage Overlay

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Boroondara City Council, reference PP20/0563)


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  1. Joel Price commented

    I object this application in its entirety as it is not in line with the character of the street, heritage and the neighbourhood and promotes over development in a very special area that should be protected for its wonderful feeling of space and tranquility

  2. Lorri Buttner commented

    The purpose of a heritage overlay is to protect heritage and this house and street is protected because of it's contribution to this. It is an almost intact example of early development of inner eastern Melbourne with all but three properties being built in the Victorian or Edwardian era. These intact streets are becoming more rare as the developers move in and if we are to preserve the heritage we have left, we must stop this now. The house itself is attractive and there is no just reason to overlook the heritage overlay and its purpose.

  3. Claire Bielski commented

    We love driving down this street with a reminder of a gentler community based era. The Heritage Overlay is on it for a very good reason. Don’t take this away from us.

  4. John Moran commented

    I rang the Boroondara Council to ask exactly what is being proposed here. The application says "Buildings and works associated with the construction of a new dwelling in a Heritage Overlay". The lady at the council told me that she was not able to give me more information at this time. She said that once the application is "advertised" then information will be released to the public. How does one get more information on what is being proposed at this point before it is advertised by the council? How does one know when the permit is advertised by the council other than checking their website each day?

  5. Brian Crawford commented

    John, I would suggest you consult your Councillor for the Junction Ward:
    Cr Jack Wegman
    Email: Jack.Wegman@boroondara.vic.gov.au
    Phone: 9835 7843
    Mobile: 0417 525 559
    Post: Private Bag 1, Camberwell VIC 3124

    The Councillor's role is to represent Residents interests to Council - I'm in a different Ward but have found my Councillor's support to be very productive.

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