8-14 Ellis Street Chatswood NSW 2067.

Request to remove clump of Wallangarra white gums from front of building

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Willoughby City Council, reference TVPA-2019/320)


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  1. David Grover commented

    If these trees are not interfering with the structure of the building or services their removal would be unjustified. They serve to soften the impact of this building on the streetscape.

  2. Eva Wiland commented

    Trees should not be removed unless absolutely necessary. If they have to be removed because they are dangerous - new, safer trees should be planted. We need more trees - not less!

  3. Meredith Anne Foley commented

    If these trees are unsafe (as implied by the tree contractor's report) could we please ensure that they are replaced with suitable native species to counteract the worst impacts of climate change and the loss of biodiversity in our suburbs.

  4. Logical Assessment commented

    Generalised comments are not helpful - if you have to interfere in someone's life - that you have never met - at least specifically address the application.

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