42 Merton Street Rozelle NSW 2039

Demolition of existing house and proposed two storey dwelling with garage and studio above. Proposed plunge pool in rear yard.

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(Source: Inner West Council (Leichhardt), reference CCP/2019/192)


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  1. Monique commented

    Strong objection to the demolition of this property and oversized development and house with no character.

    Council please keep what is left of Balmain heritage and architecture.

    I have objections to updating exiting house structure and architecture.

    Let's no loose what makes Balmain unique.

  2. Ash commented

    I agree with Monique.
    The current structure must be preserved and restored accordingly. This is supposed to be a heritage/ conservation area and the destroying of the house contravenes this. The proposed structure is oversized, out of character and will deplete the nature of Merton Street yet further.
    This must be escalated to the heritage council for an assessment.

  3. Karl commented

    I disagree with Monique and Ash and believe that urban development is important. The property needs to be updated and with the unused land it is a favourable design that has bern put forward. A lot of people complain in the area and do not understand that properties need to be capitalised and this needs support from locals.

  4. Sunil Badami commented

    This is a completely inappropriate development, out of place with the surrounding streetscape, and with potential to damage long-established trees and amenity. I suspect Karl is the developer who has no relationship with the area or the community, and is seeking, like many developers who have imposed over-sized and inappropriate developments in the area, to simply build and sell – ie, "capitalise" – without any concern for the effect on residents, neighbours or heritage. Merton Street is an historic and important street and part of the history of the Merton Estate and Rozelle, and this is an excellent example of a wood worker's cottage which should be preserved in line with the other dwellings around it, especially as so few remain today. I object to this development in the strongest possible terms. Locals do not need to "support" capitalisation and exploitation, they need to protect the unique and special history and character of this area, and if they do not, it is not up to the developer to dictate or impose their views upon us, especially as a key selling point is the heritage and village atmosphere of the area, which they then plan to destroy with an inappropriate (and likely, given current issues in building standard regulation) sub-standard structure. The building should be restored and protected.

  5. Ben R commented

    I object to the demolition of the house at 42 Merton St Rozelle. This is a lovely house, and should not be replaced with another, for no real and fairdinkum reason. If this house is demolished, there is nothing to stop any other house in the architecturally significant Balmain Peninsular from being demolished. I object to the collective value of the architecture of Balmain being diminished, which is what the demolition of such a house like this would contribute to.

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