53A East Street Guildford WA 6055

Residential Care Facility

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Swan City Council, reference DA-414/2019)


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  1. Jodie Foster commented

    Having lived on Swan St E for 7 years previously, I believe that this development will negatively affect the Guildford streetscape and history and also the quality of life and enjoyment of property for the residents surrounding this area. For 7 years I tolerated constant screaming, swearing, noise from radios blasting from St Jude’s residents and rude care workers parking on my driveway as St Jude’s does not supply enough parking for their employees. While I am sure that some St Jude’s staff are caring, wonderful people that are providing the best care that they can for older persons and those with mental illnesses they are NOT efficient at controlling their residents and calls for assistance and suggestions went unheard. These facilities have a place, however this place is not suited to a medium/high density historical area that would require demolition of the site to continue.

  2. Angela Hicking commented

    I totally agree with Jodie Foster’s comment the wandering of residents is a big issue I have just recently had shopping taken from my veranda while I was unpacking the car I followed the person back to St Jude’s with the help of a man and his child in the park, I identified my shopping and spoke to care worker and was told that that * we can’t watch our residents 24/7*
    Although I understand the need for this development but Guildford is not the place if having to demolish historical and heritage buildings to accommodate it.
    Congestion parking and traffic is bad enough as it is without adding to it.
    Would like to add that I used to catch the train from East Guildford but now I use Guildford station this is purely due to the abuse from residents when you just offer a polite *Good Morning * when passing. Plus there is no where to park.

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