158 Terrigal Drive, Terrigal NSW 2260

Construction of Residential Flat Building Development (65 Units)

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Central Coast Council (Gosford), reference 012.2010.00038134.003 )


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  1. Chris Norris commented

    Over development with questionable floor space ratio for the site and area. Insufficient visitor parking and traffic management for the density of this site (incorporating surrounding developments).

  2. Richard Ernest Abarahams commented

    Should Chris Norris be correct in his assessments, then one needs to ask why does Council allow the submission of non-complying developments, which should only be lodged by appropriately qualified persons, thus diminishing the wasted time by concerned ratepayers. It is accepted that this council supports the rapid development of Gosford and its environs, but please do not allow develoopment that clearly may sit outside of the current legislation. Similalrly, do not favour greedy developers who have no concerns about the problems they leave behind.

    The council must also ensure that they can continue to provide the additional services that these developments require without imposition upon ratepayers for additional rates to assist these land-hungry and greedy developers.

  3. Nicole Perezous commented

    As an adjoining neighbour, I had debated that the original development application had surpassed 5 years and secondarily should have been relodged and authorised prior to commencement of work.
    Additionally, adjacent properties didn’t receive plans nor be notified prior to construction.
    Furthermore, to only the developers benefit and exploitation of neighbouring properties the construction exceeded proposed heights.

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