73 Mary Street St Peters NSW 2044

To fit-out and use Suite 2.01 located on the ground floor of Building 2 as an indoor recreation facility catering for the "sport" of axe throwing

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Inner West Council (Marrickville), reference DA201400649.04)


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  1. Joe commented

    Axe throwing is NOT a sport and is not something that should be going on in this residential area.

  2. Pat commented

    Awesome! Maniax is a great company and I fully support this application.

  3. Jacinta O’Brien commented

    Axe throwing is a sport. There’s even a world championship held each year. I’ve tried it and boy is it hard work. I don’t think cricket is a sport but they keep building pitches for people to play it. I support the application and hope you will too.

  4. drew fairley commented

    This is a great company. I fully support its development.

  5. Kate Hafey commented

    Maniax is a great business. We've been there for several social events and the sessions have always been run very responsibly. There is a full safety demonstration before the session proceeds and they don't allow players to participate under the influence of alcohol, etc.

    Aside from the casual just-for-fun sessions, they also have axe-throwing competition sessions – if you've ever observed this in action you'd know it definitely is a form of sport.

    Maniax also gives back to the community, donating vouchers to organisations such as our local public school for fundraising raffles.

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