9 Gladstone Street Balmain NSW 2041

Demolish existing delapidated single storey residence and construct new two storey residence. Tree Removal from rear

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(Source: Inner West Council (Leichhardt), reference D/2018/594)


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  1. Joanne Smith commented

    The removal of the tree at the rear of the property may be expedient for any construction.

    However, I object to this as established trees in the area is essential to support the local birdlife and occasional possums in the area need established trees.

    Additionally, future owners will most likely want trees so this decision is short-sighted.

  2. Michael Johnson commented

    I agree with Joanne Smith’s submission opposing this application. Far too many trees are being removed for reasons that are clearly cosmetic (IE “view”) or spurious and untested “structural. What rigour has been applied in this case?

  3. Susan Skinner commented

    I object to the proposed design as the height of the building is disproportionate to its base. It will look like a bell tower. It is not in keeping with the surrounding landscape.. there is a question of further parking pressure and also the building extends too far to the boundaries.

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