39-41 Aitken Road, Bowral NSW

Residential Care Facility

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Wingecarribee Shire Council, reference 19/0574)


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  1. Irene ingram commented

    I am a resident of Aitken rd.Bowral and strongly object ti the DA proposal 19/0574 for a residential care home of this size .we are NOT an industrisl zone and a massive 2 to 3 level monstrosity in and already overburded traffic nightmare that is Aitken rd.Do you want to ruin the charm of "old Bowral with this overdevelopment.please rethink this blatant disregard for the aesthetics of our lovely town.

  2. E. Marton commented

    The WSC seems intent on destroying the history and character of the Southern Highlands villages, but Bowral in particular, with the bizarre proposals to "ease" major problems they continue to create by approving innapropriate developments in as many places as possible.
    The latest industrial scale project has a seemingly humane intent, but a ludicrous location. The basic facilities (water, etc) seem to be barely coping with the current local population, but they are hell bent on tripling the amount of residents in this street. We're lucky to have one tap working normally, but a second tap open at the same time and neither work adequately, and we are used to tank water.
    This development could easily have gone into one of the locations by Bowral golf course, instead of the multiple medium density units that have been installed in the last couple of years, with no doubt many more to come, or even the huge empty space at the Old South Road and Ascot intersection. Maybe that's too close to the recently completed care facility behind Stephen's Park though. Another option could be the current council chambers. An excellent location for something like this and that building has no historical or cultural value, better road and rail connections, far less school traffic, and maybe it will slow down the demolition of the rest of the highlands.
    The council running with this proposal is in line with their poor grasp of planning and bizarre “solutions” trying to mask problems they’ve caused, like the redevelopment of Station Street that will make traffic flow far worse than it currently is and will no doubt cause stationary cues of traffic from Moss Vale to Mittagong. Not forgetting of course that Bowral is a “destination” location (that is rapidly ceasing to exist) and the current traffic seems to to suggest that people want to drive through or around.
    The location of this new development secretly agreed to and presented as a fait accompli telegraphs their intentions to overturn all so called residential areas by decreasing their value to average people (i.e. - not developers) and increase the profits to their friends.
    We began to regret our move to Bowral only two months after moving here when the Council facilitated the removal of huge established eucalypts in the street outside the High school and pretended it was all down to the school, while the school claimed it was nothing to do with them. Just to prove the council has a sense of humour, soon after this, they distributed information telling us about street trees and how they add value to residential areas, etc.

  3. M Crowley commented

    Have additional services that are needed for a nursing home been considered such as support services, biomedical waste collection, garbage collections,ambulance sirens, fire alarms. All these services require access on a regular basis and are large noisy vehicles. I have worked in Aged Care for many years and can confirm these are busy places and do not belong in residential streets.Council needs to review their planning permission guidelines. Have a look at Martha Street Bowral if you want to see the results of poor planning, such a shame.

  4. Vicki Stirling commented

    I have been a resident of Aitken rd for approximately 3 years. I built a new home. At the time the decision to purchase and live on Aitken Rd was due to its "R2: Medium density zoning. To my way of thinking I took that to mean that "we" would not have an overcrowded street. A feature of Aitken Rd is that at school drop off and pick up it is a very busy road. The school was there before we were and that is an acceptable thing.

    So if the care facility is approved (which I believe it shouldn't be.) That will amount to a constant traffic flow all day and on weekends too.

    It perplexes me that an aged care facility can even get to the point of putting in a proposal when the R2 zoning matrix highlights what is deemed acceptable in that zoning and what isn't. A care facility and multiple buildings not being part of that matrix to name a few.

    So not only is this being considered, at what time was or is the zoning for the street changed.

    The highlands has an abundance of Older residence care options already. When and where will the council say enough already.

    Many may see it as just the residence if Aitken Rd having a whinge. More care facilities will have an impact on an already stretched public hospital, and other medical services as well.

    Bowral is losing its charm with every new development. Why is it that urbanization is a priority. When we allow big developments like this to rule our street scape shame on us. Bowral will be just another suburb.

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