1552 Canterbury Road, Punchbowl NSW

Section 4.55(8) - LAND AND ENVIRONMENT COURT APPROVED - Demolition of existing structures on site and construction of a five storey mixed use development consisting of 66 units and two commercial tenancies over three levels of basement carparking

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Canterbury-Bankstown Council (Canterbury), reference DA-406/2016/A)

1 Comment

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  1. Gabi Petry commented

    I strongly disagree with overdevelopment and overpopulating the suburbs. The infrastructure cannot support the huge increase in people. Our transport system cannot cope with moving all these additional people to and from work. The streets cannot cope with all the additional parking needed for families who have more than two cars. The time it takes to drive along Canterbury road is ridiculous. A 10 minute trip during the morning and evening is now 20 to 30 minutes. This is contributing to road rage and stress. Our hospital services will not be able to cope with the increase of health issues caused by overpopulation. The schools cannot cope with the additional number of students. Overcrowded classrooms will negatively impact our children's learning and development. Our governments and councils should be ashamed of themselves - Neglecting to consider this impact on the local residents and communities. Most intelligent governments ensure the infrastructure is in place before overpopulating an area. Our beautiful Sydney is becoming a high rise concrete jungle with poor services. Our quality of life is deteriorating and we are negatively impacting our environment, not to mention the invasion of privacy - all these building looking into the back of homes - unacceptable. Shame on you. I strongly oppose this and other future developments.

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