100 Merrick Cct, Kiama, NSW 2533

Pools / decks / fencing and Alterations and additions to residential development - proposed swimming pool and cabana additions to existing dwelling - (Modification 1) Cabana and Pool coping design revised. (Modification 2) The S4.55 Modification Design is predominantly the same as the previously approved DA & S4.55 Modification design. It is proposed that the swimming pool coping will be at a lower level than the originally approved levels resulting in a partially underground swimming pool rather than the approved above ground swimming pool. Modification changes also include the reduction of the pool capacity and slight change of shape, although the location remains the same.

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We found this application for you on the planning authority's website ago. It was received by them earlier.

(Source: Kiama Municipal Council, reference 010.2021.00000122.003)

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