Recent applications within the last 2 months from Kingston City Council, VIC

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  1. 6 9 Bell Grove, Braeside, VIC
    about 1 month ago

    The property will be used to operate a recreational martial arts school with specific focus on Muaythai (Thai boxing) and boxing. Training sessions will be offered in form of group classes and personal training sessions. Group class categories include: beginner adults, intermediate/advanced adults, kids only classes (ages 9-16) and women’s only classes. Training and class activity will only take place inside the property and not in common areas. The Owners Corporation of 9 Bell Grove have expressed their support of the business. Young Bulls Gym is a well-established martial arts school in the martial arts scene. It operated under Laos Toohey from 1999-2015 in Dandenong. Alberth Xavier, one of Young Bulls Gym’s most successful professional fighters/competitors has now re-opened the gym from 2023. Young Bulls Gym is currently operating out of a small studio in Noble Park.

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