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46 O'hanlon Place, Nicholls, ACT

PROPOSAL FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT - construction of a new single storey KFC restaurant with drive through, signage and associated works.
Planning Authority
ACT Planning & Land Authority
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 7 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
8 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the ACT Planning & Land Authority website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to ACT Planning & Land Authority. Add your own comment.

The Gold creek village aesthetic is of a relaxed, historic nature that promotes a healthy, community meeting place. In my view the presence of yet another intrusive, fast food brand in the village would further damage not only the community feel but also the commercial viability of those businesses who have tried so hard to contribute positively to this environment.
In my mind the introduction of McDonalds has diminished the original theme of celebrating Canberra's rural country historic lifestyle. When will commercial franchism stop. Or at the least place it where it truly belongs, and not at Gold Creek.
I ask you to ask yourselves doesn't it really fit??!!
Is this about preserving our heritage or making a profit from our land ? I acknowledge we need both but there needs to be a balance....

Nerida Scarlett
Sent to ACT Planning & Land Authority

The Gold creek village aesthetic is of a relaxed, historic nature that promotes a healthy, community meeting place. In my view the presence of yet another intrusive, fast food brand in the village would further damage not only the community feel but also the commercial viability of those businesses who have tried so hard to contribute positively to this environment.
In my mind the introduction of McDonalds has diminished the original theme of celebrating Canberra's rural country historic lifestyle. When will commercial franchism stop. Or at the least place it where it truly belongs, and not at Gold Creek.
I ask you to ask yourselves doesn't it really fit??!!
Is this about preserving our heritage or making a profit from our land ? I acknowledge we need both but there needs to be a balance....

Nerida Scarlett
Sent to ACT Planning & Land Authority

I agree with Nerida Scarlett's comments. Gold Creek Village has a rustic charm. There is enough fast food available with McDonalds straight across the road - nicely set back from the roadside and not detracting from the ambiance of the area. However, a KFC on the entrance roundabout will be an assault on the eyes, with their 8m high bucket being the first impression you will get of the village. Not very classy!

Planning needs to consider the overall characteristics of the village and CAREFULLY consider future commercial development that will enhance the village rather than make it the same as any other area. Multiple fast food franchises certainly will not enhance the character of the village.

Anita Kilby
Sent to ACT Planning & Land Authority

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