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262 Abercrombie Street Darlington NSW 2008

S96(2) modification of consent to continue the approved trading hours of the "Tripod Cafe". Current approved hours are (6:00am Mondays to Saturdays inclusive and 8:00am to 10:00pm Sundays.
Planning Authority
City of Sydney
Reference number
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 8 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
720 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
on the City of Sydney website

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Sydney. Add your own comment.

Currently this great, local cafe closes no later than 6pm. Whilst I have no problems with them staying open later I am concerned that noise from the rear courtyard will make neighbours very unhappy.

Their courtyard is within a rectangle of rear properties. As a resident of one of these properties we generally don't talk in the back garden in the evening simply because sound travels. The neighbours do the same. It is whisper quiet. And echoey.

It's possible to have a conversation with another neighbour 20 meters away with a normal speaking voice. For example, when new neighbours where partying in the back very late we politely asked them to be quiet from our bedroom window. They were surprised they could hear us too and went quiet, not realising we could listen to their every, drunken word. It really is like an amphitheatre with sound bouncing around the walls.

The Tripod is only several metres away from our bedroom window. We go to bed early (and need to have the window open for ventilation). This just won't work. I am sorry but I can't support this. If the activities are kept to the insides of the property it probably would be fine, but regular use of the rear courtyard after dark, with or without an on-premises licence, just will not work.

Sent to City of Sydney

I like this cafe. It is well run and a great addition to the local area. Provided they stick to the management plan, which will limit the noise and the number of patrons, I don't see a problem with this development plan and the extended hours.

Mike Clay
Sent to City of Sydney

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