490-500 Burwood Highway, Vermont South VIC 3133
- Description
- Clause 32.07-2 (RGZ3) A permit is required to use land for the purpose of a Retirement village (nested under Accommodation. Clause 32.07-9 (RGZ3) A permit is required to construct a building or construct or carry out works associated with a Section 2 use (i.e. Retirement village). Clause 42.02-3 (VPO5) A permit is required to remove, destroy or lop vegetation included in Incorporated Document: Statement of Tree Significance, 490-500 Burwood Highway, Vermont South (Whitehorse City Council, June 2023). Clause 42.03-2 (SLO10) A permit is required to remove, destroy or lop a tree. Clause 43.01 (HO23) A permit is required to construct a building or construct or carry out works, externally alter a building by structural work, rendering or sandblasting or in any other way and construct or display a sign. Clause 43.02-2 (DDO6) A permit is required to construct a building or construct or carry out works and construct a fence along the frontage to Burwood Highway. Clause 52.17-1 (Native Vegetation) A permit is required to remove, destroy or lop native vegetation, including dead native vegetation. Clause 52.29-2 (Land Adjacent to the Principal Road Network) A permit is required to alter access to a road in a TRZ2.
- Planning Authority
Whitehorse City Council
- Reference number
WH/2025/2This was created by Whitehorse City Council to identify this application. You will need this if you talk directly with them or use their website.
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 month ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 66 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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