This development has already created great environmental noise that can be heard across the river, and it is a 24/7 business. It is affecting my ability to sleep properly and also hear anything above the noise.
The amount of rubbish and landfill that is pouring into the river is appalling and the bank is now compromised…
45A River Road Redbank 4301 QLD
- Description
- Material Change of Use - Special Industry and Service/Trades Use (Storage); and Material Change of Use - Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) 12 - Plastic Product Manufacturing
- Planning Authority
Ipswich City Council
- Reference number
13892/2024/CAThis was created by Ipswich City Council to identify this application. You will need this if you talk directly with them or use their website.
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 month ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 44 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 11 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Ipswich City Council. Add your own comment.
This is a significant change to the current designated use for this property. Its current intended use is for storage which is a very low impact to surrounding residents. Changing this property to now be a plastics manufacturing facility will create an additional Oder and Noise pollution. This estate is already causing excessive noise pollution disturbs our everyday lives and is creating mental and physical heath issues that I am already receiving medical treatment for and concerned that allowing this change will only make this worse. It is very obvious that there it a basic lack of understanding of just how much this material change if use will affect nearby residents and should not be approved.
This is outrageous- I’d welcome anyone to arrange time to be on our beautiful riverfront properties to hear the noise 24 hours a day/7 days a week, the same noise that affects our sleep, our children sleeping and animals including dogs and horses. There is no part of the day that our properties are not impacted by significant noise that affects our daily lives. Not to mention the absolute disrespect for our river and land. No attempt has been made to discuss with the surrounding property owners about how this may be impacting them. Many complaints have been made previously to this business with no action taken.
My husband and I are in the process of building our new home on land which we purchased over twenty years ago.
For the past 10 years we have been landscaping and improving our 2.5 acre block at 60 Landing Place, Moggill in preparation for the day we decide to move there.
It has been incredibly distressing to say the least to be there during the day to check on construction, and hear the incessant thrum and crashing from the factory across the river. The noise level is horrendous and it doesn’t stop, even into the night.
The main reason we purchased this land was the incredible serenity it offered. That serenity has been totally destroyed by ACU Tech.
Not only has the noise from this disgusting company created extreme discomfort to us and our neighbours, it has also severely damaged our property values. The mental and physical impact this has placed on the residents is significant to say the least.
The damage done by their outlet into the river is not only incredibly unsightly, it is an environmental disgrace. Is the Ipswich City Council looking the other way?
We respectfully oppose any further works on this site due to 24hr works at a highly disturbing noise level. It’s affecting my family’s sleep and peace!
We moved to the area for the quiet atmosphere. Our standard of living is compromised daily by this company.
We absolutely oppose any further works on this site.The ongoing 24hr operations, at a totally unacceptable noise level is intolerable.Constant noise from generators, tools and pipe grinding continue to disrupt our lives on a daily basis.Our sleep patterns , mental and general heath, standard of living on a daily basis is completely compromised by this company.
The damage caused to the riverbank by the water overflow is also unacceptable.The disgusting mess that has been left of the riverbank is a total eyesore. We note that noise monitoring was done mid September PRIOR to all the noises ramping up- including the most intrusive sound of the pipe grinding.
To date, the manufacturing processes used by this company have been creating extreme levels of noise pollution. This includes Generator noise & “Banging and crashing” at all hours of the day and night.
On most week days, there is also what sounds like a very large Diesel woodchipper. Starting at 9am you hear a very loud diesel motor fire up, and throughout pretty much the whole day you can hear the woodchipper pelletizing what I guess is the plastic raw material.
What makes matters worse, it appears that this manufacturing plant is set up in an “Open fronted” building which opens out to the north?
All of the above noise pollution can easily be heard many hundreds of metres away inside a house
NOTE: I should also highlight the fact that particularly the woodchipper noise is a relatively new development, and that the noise report (Measurements taken Mid Sept 2024) makes absolutely no reference to the woodchipper - See page 13, table 4 of Noise report tabled by JT Environmental.
I believe this would render the existing noise report null and void, and would make the suggestion that the ICC engage an independent noise consultant to ensure that “Real world day to day operation” figures are used.
Id like to add that on a personal level, these constant/excessive sound levels have already brought upon both mental and physical health issues to multiple residents, who in some cases cannot even sit outside their house or enjoy family time within the home without being hammered by the noise generated by the Accutech manufacturing process.
Im summary, the wider community and I feel that a 24 Hour a day / 7 day a week manufacturing plant such as this should not be given approval to operate in very close quarters to a residential area.
I am completely opposed to this application. Noise levels are totally unacceptable. Noise has escalated significantly in the past month. My health has been affected including total sleep deprivation and stress. I can not even open a window to my home for fresh air without being bombarded by noise pollution specifically coming from ACU Techs workings
The continual noise generated from this site is absolutely atrocious. It is severely affecting our quality of life. The lack of peace due to this noise pollution is absolutely unacceptable.
Even inside the house with all windows closed, it is impossible not to hear.
After completing my own due diligence and reading the original application for development of this property I have noted many inconsistencies with the approved operation.
Part 2 section 4 does not make any mention of a waterway (which is being polluted by industrial run off and has clearly destroyed part of the Brisbane River bank.
Section 8.1 o DA which includes material change of use was not completed by attaching DAForm 2.
Acutech, have failed to disclose some basic information in there original DA, which is now causing great distress to myself and my family.
Personally it affecting my family’s sleep, and mental health.
As a shift worker, the constant grinding of plastic pipes (which was never mentioned as above) makes it nearly impossible for me to sleep in the day time.
My daughter is home schooled due to Her ASD Level 2 diagnosis, and cannot concentrate when there is constant grinding well above a normal decibel noise.
We moved to this property primarily for my disabled daughter to have a peaceful life and obtain an education to be able to contribute to the community.
This will not happen if Acutech continues its current non disclosed practices.
As a local resident, I would like to share my perspective on what it is like to be living in close proximity to the company Accu-tech Piping Systems. Over the last few months, the sound levels emitting from the plant have been unbearable. The 24 hour drone of a generator and now a large chipper in use all day has been horrific. I have had to, on many occasions leave my home to get some respite from the continuous noise pollution. All day and all night, I have been trying to cope with this level of noise. Even with the windows closed and music on I can still hear it. The banging and crashing coming from the plant wakes me most nights. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said it is affecting my sanity.
The thought of this application being approved in an area so close to a residential area ,with residents who have already for many years been dealing with noise pollution from across the river, is absolutely unthinkable.
I know I am not the only family to be adversely affected. My husband for one, has been hospitalised due to stress from having to deal with noise pollution coming from Redbank Motorway estate.
Please consider the local residents and do not allow this application to be approved. This 24 hour/ 7 days a week noisy manufacturing plant has already proven to be problematic to locals and is completely unsuitable for the surrounding area.