Seems reasonable to me as each neighbour already has units. I very much support more housing here as it is needed, especially to provide the population required to get extra train services at Corrimal station. I hope any minor issues brought up by the nitpicking assessment process can be resolved to get it approved.
18 Cross Street Corrimal NSW 2518
- Description
- Residential - Consolidation of Lots, demolition works and tree removals. Construction of a multi dwelling development comprising of seven (7) Units and subsequent Strata subdivision
- Planning Authority
Wollongong City Council
- Reference number
DA-2024/449This was created by Wollongong City Council to identify this application. You will need this if you talk directly with them or use their website.
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , 7 months ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 174 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 5 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Wollongong City Council. Add your own comment.
The area already has units and the street does not have traffic using it as a shortcut so it is probably appropriate in this area.
My concern is the collection of rubbish bins and in particular the placement of bins on the road on collection day.
This concern is for all developments as it creates a traffic and bicycle hazard and in general is a big mess on the footpath
It is probably easier to get to Bellambi railway station than Corrimal and closer.
Perhaps it is time to start recognising this location as North Cross St. It has what the other remnant oieces do not: access to Rothery Rd. I agree with Liz Hill’s assessment. The rest of the zone is solely reliant on Railway St and this is the cruch point in the push for development. DP&I and tfNSW have so far flatly refused to connect denser housing with improved train resources on the Port Kembla Line which we use. Brad Chapman NF4 Corrimal.
In addition to my previous submission, the traffic is brief and not too bad relative to most places, which is probably why TfNSW dont respond. I occasionally see a dozen cars backed up here and move along fine when the lights go, like any normal traffic light. The shortage of housing is infintely more dire than the shortage of express private car trips. Local values should preference housing local folk, not saving 4 seconds in a car trip.
The density is reasonable. Setbacks look reasonable as well. We desperately need housing for first home owners.